Thursday, July 1, 2010

Build your Enterprise Private Cloud – Powered by Citrix XenServer - Part 2

Part 1: Meeting with the Dev/Test Lab Administrator - Read here before starting Part 2 below.

Part 2: Meeting the Dev and Test Engineers

Abbie’s Dev/Test Lab

(Ziva, Test Lead and Tony, Dev Lead walk into the lab)
Ziva – Shut up Tony. That bug was not because of a setup issue. I know it was a REAL bug.

Tony – Ho Ho…I never said it wasn’t a bug Lady…All I am asking of you is to reproduce it.

Ziva – Hmmm…I am going to do just that Mr. Developer. Just wait till we discuss with Abbie. Abbie, could you re-setup the test bed you gave me yesterday. I need to kick Tony’s butt with that stupid bug.

Tony – Alright Miss. Perfect. How many times have you raised defects only to find that the s/w config was not setup correctly, the Environment variable was not set properly, the right version of the required s/w was not installed blah blah blah…

Abbie – Guys Guys…STOP….Agent Pal could you help us here before these guys eat up each other

Agent Pal – Ha ha…no problem guys…I have the right solution…Ziva, would you love it if you could capture the test bed right when the bug happens and push it out to Tony…File a defect with the link to the bug reproduced???

Ziva – Are you serious?? Can we do that?

Agent Pal – Yup…and you can also record all the user actions while the bug happens as a movie and let Tony watch it!!!

Ziva – Wow…That is unbelievable…That is going to save me weeks of testing cycles. How many times have I had to re-create bugs only bcoz the stubborn dev couldn’t reproduce it and wouldn’t accept the defect..

Agent Pal – Totally agree….And you also automate all the manual steps involved in setting up the test bed…prevents any manual errors…

Ziva – You are just awesome Pal (Gives Pal a big hug). Abbie – when are we getting this LabManager in our lab. I am going to tell my Boss that we can complete the whole testing cycle in 30 days – instead of 50 days. Am sure to get a fat pay hike and a promotion this year 

Tony – Mr. Pal, once you can stop blushing, and recover from that hug from Ziva, could I ask you a favour?

Agent Pal – Sure, shoot it Tony

Tony – Well my team designs and develops some large distributed systems that run the company’s online e-commerce portal. And I would like to create some of these N-Tier systems in the lab, today it takes me days to get the networks setup, VMs configured and have the system up. Anyway that your solution could speed up this process.

Agent Pal – Of course yes. You can use LabManager to design and deploy some of these complex multi tier applications.

Tony – I don’t want to tussle with the networking folks to setup the network and then beg abbie to give me the VM resources. Can that be done.

Agent Pal – Why not. It is as simple as defining the VM roles, network settings etc. in LabManager and just hit deploy. LabManager automatically brings up the whole system – and it can be an exact replica of your production application.

Tony – Wow that sounds cool. If it is going to be really that SIMPLE, I am going to give you a big hug too.

Agent Pal – Oops…I guess just a hand shake will do.

Tony – Hmmm..Okay.

(Michele, Marketing dept walks into the lab)

Michele - Abbie, I had requested for a Wiki Server to run our new marketing campaign – is it ready. We need to go live next week?

Abbie – You need to give me more time Michele. You wanted the Wiki to be accessible over the internet. That has to get cleared by the Networking and the Security Folks. Will let you know when it is done.
(Michele walks away)

Agent Pal – You should probably let her self-provision pre-built secure Wiki servers using the Citrix Self Service Portal.

Abbie – Ha ha…None of your solutions are gonna work here Pal That lady is just DUMB …Nevermind she will never be able to do that.

Agent Pal – Oh …The Self Service Portal servers just that purpose. A Super Simple UI where even the most Non-Tech folks can get what they want. You should try that with Michele.

Abbie – Will do Pal. And I want to charge these folks for the VMs that they run. So they learn to use the resources scarcely.

Agent Pal – Definitely. You should look at the billing code functionality built into Self Service Portal. Lets you generate monthly reports on how much resources your users have consumed.

Abbie – Ya…that will be handy. Btw you should meet McGee, the Geek who manages our Production Infrastructure. Your solution has been wonderful and I am sure McGee could use your help too.

Part 3 – Meeting with the Production Infrastructure Administrator

To be Continued….

Note: All characters depicted above are purely fictitious and bear no resemblance to anyone alive or dead – however any similarity to the fictitious characters of NCIS is purely intentional.

This blog is my personal and all the contents here are my personal comments and have no bearing on my employer.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Build your Enterprise Private Cloud – Powered by Citrix XenServer

Click Image to Enlarge

Character Summary:

Agent Pal – Virtualization/Cloud Consultant

Gibbs – CIO of a Fortune 100 Company ABC Corporation – strongly believes in leveraging technology to deliver an agile infrastructure meeting the constantly changing business needs. Always has an eye on the cost factor!!!

Abbie – IT Administrator of Dev/Test and Pre-production labs – big technology geek. Gets totally annoyed and keeps complaining to Gibbs about ‘silly’requests/complaints from the non-tech savvy end users.

Tony Dinozzo – Application Architect/Dev Lead – Cool customer – knows what he wants but starts work only at the eleventh hour.

Ziva – Test Lead from the Israeli Engg Team. Constantly engages in tussles with Tony – mostly around the Developer Tester ping pongs of “I can not reproduce the bug you reported. It works fine on my machine”, “The test bed you had setup was not properly configured” etc…

Michelle – One of the non-tech savvy end users of Abbie, works in the Marketing team and often finds a way to annoy Abbie with her incomplete weird requests!!

Part 1: Meeting the Dev/Test Pre-Production Lab Administrator

CIO Office at ABC Corp:

Meeting between Gibbs and Agent Pal

Gibbs – Hello Agent Pal, How are you doing?

Agent Pal – I am doing great Gibbs…. How are things at your end?

Gibbs – Exactly the reason I called you in Pal. As you know I run a small IT team of dedicated folks managing the growing infrastructure. I have always believed in leveraging technology to deliver an agile infrastructure to our business. So what have you got for me Agent Pal…

Agent Pal – Well, I guess you have called me in at the right time Gibbs. Let me introduce you to the latest Citrix XenServer, released a month ago and focused on automation and self service.

Gibbs – Let me introduce you to Abbie, she would be the right person to discuss the technical stuff.

Abbie’s Pre-Production Datacenter Lab:

Gibbs – Hey Abbie….What are you upto??

Abbie – Don’t ask Gibbs. The same provisioning process, I seem to be spending all my day setting up these software environments for Ziva (Test Lead), Michelle (Marketing) and all the other folks in the company. If you are not going to help with this, maybe I need to find a better job for myself Gibbs (Winks)

Gibbs – Good Try Abbie. But I got a solution for you. Meet Agent Pal, Cloud consultant – seems to have a solution to all your problems.

Agent Pal – Hey Abbie…Why don’t you talk about your problems and pain points in managing your lab and I’ll try to help.

Abbie – Well, first and foremost, I don’t want to spend all my day cloning and deploying VMs for each of my users.

Agent Pal – Have you looked at the new Citrix Self Service Portal… Let’s your users self provision the software environments of their choice – without you being involved at all…

Abbie – NO WAY PAL…These guys have no idea how to consume resources sparsely. I am sure my whole lab would be flooded with VMs the minute I give them self service option.

Agent Pal – No…No…No…It’s not just self service abbie…You are still the BOSS and you define policies on how users can access the resources

Abbie – Like…

Agent Pal – Well to mention a few, you define who can see/access what resource, how much of resources each person can consume, what actions each person can perform on the resources, and in fact if you want TOTAL control, you can make every VM provisioning request pass through your approval…So your users know who the REAL BOSS is :-)

Abbie - Great…Now that I can let users self provision environments under the watchful eyes of Abbie, how do we deal with cleaning up those VMs…am sure my users will never do it…

Agent Pal – No problem…Citrix Self Service Portal manages the cradle to grave lifecycle of you VMs – no worries to the IT admin
Abbie – Swweeeeeet…And my users keep complaining about performance degrading when they launch more and more VMs… I often have to manually to move VMs from overloaded hosts to less loaded hosts? Do you have an automated solution to that too???

Agent Pal – Oh yah…The Workload balancer can automatically optimize your VM workloads and guess what it can also consolidate all VMs to fewer hosts during night times and move it back automatically when your users are back to work….Saves you lots on power consumption…

Abbie – Ohhh….Wow…You are really awesome…I am sure Gibbs is going to love that...(Gives Agent Pal a warm hug)

To be continued…

Part 2 : Meet the Dev and Test Leads - Read it here

PS: This is my personal blog and none of the posts here can NOT be linked to my employer in any aspect.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

VMware + Salesforce = ???

Any new product/partnership announcements from VMware is bound to generate considerable amount of creative predictions from the blogosphere. This time around with VMForce the expectations have been at an all time high, considering that the leaders in IaaS Clouds and SaaS Cloud are making a (mysterious) joint product announcement.

Multiple predictions have been made about the forthcoming announcement:

1. Alessandro picked up evidences from the Google Cache to suspect that Salesforce was going to offer an IaaS Cloud competing with Amazon and Rackspace. This seemed very unlikedly given that VMware already has 700+ Service Providers signed up to offer the vCloud based Cloud Services.

2. VMware execs have been making teaser comments to the media, ensuring the rumour mills kept running at top speed.

3. Alessandra later predicted a Cloudshare type offering with VMware, SpringSource and Salesforce's PaaS platform.

As analysts and technologists are busy putting forward their ideas, how can I be left behind. Read ahead for potential partnership opportunities between the two giants:

1. Salesforce wants to offer its Salesforce.Com CRM as an application running on on-premise private clouds. Leveraging the VMware vCloud platform, Salesforce can ship a self scaling appliance for customers to install and run on-premise. This offers a win-win solution for both companies and should be adding a new acronym to the over-crowded cloud jargon - on-premise SaaS :)

2. My Boss made a really interesting prediction - that this was something to do with Zimbra and Salesforce. An email service closely tied to Salesforce CRM - a perfect tool for Sales Professionals. A cool way for VMware to take a stab at Microsoft - offering a competitive alternative to Exchange Server. Sounded like an awesome idea, hope Mr. Paul Maritz takes note of this :)

Anyway we will wait till the 27th - but I have serious doubts if this announcement will be able to stand up to the tall expectations it has generated - unless it is some REALLY disruptive technology, something like what my Boss had cooked up.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Amazon Spot Instances - Cool Idea to rent out Unused Compute Resources - REALLY??

Amazon had recently launched the Spot Instances functionality to its EC2 Public Cloud. This allows Amazon to auction the unused compute capacity in its Datacenter. Just got a chance to dig a bit deeper (thanks to our IT Admin) into the Spot Instances Model. Whenever you instantiate a Spot Instance, you can specify the following parameters:

1. The max price for the instance
2. The duration in which to keep the instance running
3. Persistance - Will restart the instance even if it was terminated because of a lesser bid price.

Based on the Supply and Demand (not sure how the algo functions though), Amazon calculates the Spot Price at regular intervals and as long as my quoted max price is more than the spot price, my instance keeps running - and I get billed only for the Spot Price. Based on current price history, the spot price is usually 2-3 times cheaper than the normal instances - the only catch being that the uptime of you VMs is not guaranteed - can be terminated if the bid price is lesser.

On the surface this sounds like a cool billing model from Amazon - specially suited for compute intensive number crunching workloads. But on digging a bit deeper, if I can set a REALLY HIGH max price, say $1 per hour, then my VM is guaranteed to run always, and I get billed only for the spot price - ie 2 to 3 times lesser. Would that encourage everyone (ppl using the normal instances too) to move to spot instances, thereby reducing the revenue for Amazon?

I guess, as more ppl migrate to spot instances, that would increase the spot instance price to go greater than the normal instance price. But yet, I believe that atleast in the mid term, if more ppl realize the benefits of spot instance and migrate to it, Amazon's Smart move to rent out its unused compute capacity can backfire!!!

Your thoughts???

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Enabling the Dynamic Datacenter - Virtualization, Automation and Orchestration

Dynamic Datacenter technologies have shown significant improvement in maturity and adoption levels over the years. With the screws tightened on the IT budgets, CIOs are looking for ways to optimize their existing resource usage to meet their growing customer needs - in short they are looking for dynamic datacenter technologies (or building a private cloud). The three main pillars for building any dyanmic datacenter include - Virtualization, Auomation and Orchestration. In this post, we will discuss how the top software vendors have built solutions around the three pillars to enable the dynamic datacenter vision.

VMware has been the undisputed leader in the virtualization space and is keen on expanding that to the Private/Public Cloud space too. So far VMware has got the most comprehensive vision to start with Dynamic Datacenter (Private Cloud) and gradually transition to Public Clouds as they start maturing. The slew of Products/partnerships that VMware has released include:

Infrastructure Virtualization : vCenter Server, vCenter CapacityIQ for fine tuning, VCE VBlocks (in partnership with Cisco and EMC)
Automation : vCenter LabManager, vCenter Lifecycle Manager
Orchestration : vCenter Orchestrator

VMware also offers Professional Services around Cloudifying your on-premise datacenter and designing strategies to adopt the Public Clouds.

Microsoft, as usual, has been a late entrant to the Virtualization space and it's Hyper-V platform doesn't seem to have picked up yet - even after the R2 release. However MS has been quick to show how Hyper-V along with its rich System Center Suite can be leveraged to build your Dynamic Datacenter. The Dynamic Datacenter toolkit has the best practices to achieve this.

For MS, a lot is going to depend on the success of its Azure platform . If MS can deliver a stable and scalable Azure platform, that would speak volumes about the maturity and stability and scalability of the MS solutions. Till then - it's just Wait and Watch.

Citrix has gained traction over the past year with the free XenServer release and the Citrix Essentials Suite providing the automation (LabManager OEM'd from VMLogix) and orchestration ( Workflow Studio ) tools on top of the Virtualization layer. Citrix has also open sourced XenServer to attract the Cloud Service Providers. But the key area of Citrix's dominance has been Application Delivery. The Citrix Delivery Centre comprising of XenDesktop, XenApp, XenServer and Netscaler can securely and optimally deliver both Web and Desktop based applications. Citrix has also launched Virtual Appliances for its Application Delivery Controllers - Netscaler VPX - to enable flexible and automated provisioning. Will be good to see if Citrix can extend its dominance in the Application Delivery market to the Server Virtualization space too - with the Free, OpenSource XenServer.

That adds the fourth pillar to the Dynamic Datacenter story - which is Application Delivery.

The Verdict:
Based on various factors, here's the leader in each of the Dynamic Datacenter technology pieces:

Virtualization - VMware vSphere and Citrix XenServer
Though VMware would win hands down based on technology, the cost factor weights heavily in favor of XenServer. A mix of both is going to be a reality in the future.

Automation - VMLogix LabManager
The winner in this space primarily because it supports both VMware and Citrix Virtualization technologies (and MS Hyper-V too). Also has a bit of Orchestration built in it too.

Orchestration - ????
No clear winner here. Still a nascent technology and hoping some Startup can delivery some really interesting products here.

Application Delivery - Citrix Delivery Center
Citrix wins this category hands down. However some credit also goes to the F5 BIG-IP Product specifically in delivering Web Applications. But F5 still doesn't have a Virtual Appliance version of its product.

Of course, this space is set to dramatically change when VMware launches the much awaited vCloud platform. Interesting year ahead!!!

PS: All info in this post are totally my personal views only and have no bindings on my employer whoever that may be!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Virtual Private Datacenters - Extending your datacenters to the Cloud

With Cloud being the most abused technology buzzword today, any company would fire its CTO/CIO if the company doesn't have it's Cloud Strategy laid out. The most important value prop of the Cloud has been "Moving your CapEx to OpEx" . Though the TCO and ROI calculations would indicate a full transition to the Cloud as a No-brainer decision, too many technology gaps still remain before that transition can happen, and trust me it is going to be a painfully slow and gradual transition process.

This gradual process brings us to the title of the post, "Virtual Private datacenters". Cloud providers need to offer a seamless and highly secure mechanism for extending the enterprise datacenters to the cloud. Amazon recently introduced the "Virtual Private Cloud" (VPC) last month to setup a VPN tunnel from the corporate datacenter to the cloud. I prefer calling it the Virtual Private Datacenter to drive the fact that enterprises would also need their management/monitoring/security applications to work seamlessly across the datacenter and cloud infrastructure.

The cloud adoption acceleration largely depends on the datacenter management tool vendors. Some of the early innovators who have jumped on the Cloud Bandwagon include VMLogix who have added the capability to their flagship product LabManager, to manage and provision resources on the Amazon cloud too .

Security provider Breach Security Inc recently tied up with Akamai to offer a web application security solution spanning the datacenter and the cloud .

The other area of focus has been hybrid clouds. Zeus technologies had recently announced its capability for traffic management across hybrid clouds . Though I am not a real fan of hybrid clouds (we still haven't seen any large scale adoption of hybrid virtualization environments yet!!!), there seems to be some predictions around the opportunity for 'cloud brokers' too..

Hoping to see Virtual Private Datacenter technology really taking off in 2010 and watch this space for more posts around cloud technologies and strategies for enterprises to plan their migration to the cloud.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Citrix and VMware - Battling it out for Server, Desktop and App Virtualization Dominance

Citrix has long been an innovator in the App Virtualization space with its Metaframe/Presentation Server/XenApp product suite and is now extending its dominance to the Desktop Virtualization market with

Meanwhile the Server Virtualization space has been the fortress of VMware with VI3 and the new vSphere breaking all barriers to Server Virtualization.

While these two companies are dominating their own space in Virtualization, they are also actively trying to break into each other's strongholds by building their own products and fighting it out mostly on price point and simplicity.

Virtualize 100% of all DataCenter Workloads using vSphere:
IO Performance has traditionally been a weak spot for Virtualization products. This has hindered the
adoption of Virtualization for high IO intensive workloads like Databases. But with vSphere, VMware has drastically improved the IO performance reaching "just above 350,000 I/O operations per second". This should be good enough for even most IO intensive workloads.

One other good example of VMware's commitment towards 100% Virtualization is the addition of the new Virtual Hardware - SAS Drives. From the VMware docs:

Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) virtual device for Microsoft Cluster Service — Provides support for running Windows Server 2008 in a Microsoft Cluster Service configuration

You can see that VMware took all the extra effort to add this new virtual device just to ensure that MS Cluster Service in 2008 is a suitable candidate for Virtualization.

Citrix focuses on Virtualized Delivery of 100% of all Applications:
With the new releases of XenApp, Citrix can virtualize and deliver all the desktop applications available. With the new VM hosted App capability, Citrix has ensured the abaility to virtualize apps built for Desktop OSes like XP and Vista and that are not compatible with 2003 and 2008.

Also Citrix's commitment to Desktop delivery of highly bandwidth intensive applications can be observed from the adding the HDX support for Delivering Professional graphics applications over a 2Mbps WAN link.

OEMs and Partnerships to Strengthen the Weaker Arm
While continuing to tirelessly innovate on Server Virtualization technologies, VMware has also been actively operating in the VDI space with VMware View. VMware has integrated the PCoIP technology from teradici and claims to have performances comparable to Citrix HDX. Managing User Profiles had been another drawback of VMware View and with the RTO Software OEM Deal, VMware has quickly added this capability to compete more strongly against XenDesktop.

Also Citrix has been actively partnering with Startups to offer management functionalities on top of the XenServer Virtualization platform. This is evident from the OEM of FT technology from Marathon and the LabManager and StageManager products from VMLogix.

Also Citrix has been engaging with the OpenSource community to build advanced capabilities on top of XenServer like the Xen Cloud Platform and the distributed vSwitch for XenServer/KVM.

It has been a very fierce battle between these two highly tech savvy companies and it is always good for the customers as long as there is such competition in the market. I don't believe one company is going to dominate the whole virtualization market. The adoption of Server/Desktop Virtualization technologies is definitely looking towards steep growth in the coming years and there is enough for these two giants and lots of other companies to share the pie.